Vision & Values
We welcome you to share our vision and values.
Our vision for ministry follows the beliefs, values, and stances of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and focuses on three areas of ministry:
Spiritually through our Faith and Discipleship team, built on a commitment to excellence in divine worship and music, equipping believers, reaching out to and welcoming newcomers, and offering hope in Jesus Christ.
Culturally through our Arts and Culture team that helps us celebrate our past, comment on our present, and envision a future of possibilities.
Socially through our Mission and Urban Wellness and Leadership teams that call us to work and pray for the welfare of the city based on our location on Public Square.

We value our community at Old Stone Church; a community where hate has no home and diversity and inclusion is the known and accepted path forward. All are welcome.
We value being an inner-city Church, and are devoted to meeting all the challenges that come with being one. We are committed to meeting individuals where they are during times of need.
We value that every Sunday service features thought-provoking Bible-based preaching and liturgical music that is well delivered and encourages continued spiritual learning beyond the worship service.
We value that everyone is in a different place on their journey of faith. There is no proof text here for faith. We only require that people respect and are gentle with one another. A desire to know God more intimately and to share God's love with one another and the world unites us.