Join us for our Holy Week Worship Services - Palm Sunday - (Sunday, April 13th at 10 a.m., Maundy Thursday w/Tenebrae, and Communion - (Thursday, April 17th at 6 p.m.), Good Friday - (Friday, April 18th, at 12:15 p.m.) and Easter Sunday, - (Sunday, April 20th, at 10 a.m.) Blessings to all!

Meet Our Staff

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams

Senior Pastor & Head of Staff
"For me to be a saint means to be myself. Therefore the problem of sanctity and salvation is in fact the problem of finding out who I am and discovering my true self."

- Thomas Merton 

As someone who has been called to serve God throughout his life, Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams proudly and faithfully serves as the thirteenth Senior Pastor at Old Stone Church.

Pastor Stephen first came to Old Stone Church in 1989, as Interim Associate Pastor, fresh out of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. At the completion of that Interim period he went on to serve as Stated Supply Pastor of the Old Brooklyn Presbyterian Church, then later servicing as Interim/Gap Pastor for Plymouth Church of Shaker, Archwood UCC, Lyndhurst Community of Faith, and again at Old Stone Church. 

Until 2011, when PCUSA allowed for the full inclusion of openly gay clergy,  a pastor who is gay was not able to be fully out in the denomination. Even with the support of the church and many within the Presbytery, Pastor Stephen was restricted from accepting a call to a church as a settled pastor.

Building on his undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Art, and Masters in Divinity,  and the completion of four units of CPE, Pastor Stephen went into hospice work full-time. This also gave him the opportunity to serve Old Stone Church once again as a part-time Parish Associate for many years.

In 2022, during a national search for a full time Senior Pastor at Old Stone Church, Pastor Stephen was unanimously nominated by Old Stone Church's Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), and elected by the congregation on July 17th 2022 to serve as Senior Pastor. Pastor Stephen was officially installed on October 23rd. 

Pastor Stephen lives with his husband, H Bruce Blonder, in the Cleveland Heights neighborhood where among their many hobbies and passions including gardening, art, singing, and caring for their Century home together. 

Renee Brickman

Resource Navigator

Rev. Denise Clark-Jones

Parish Associate

David Dettloff

Minister of Music

Anthony Kastellic

Pastor's Assistant

Steve Kish

Building Steward

Mike Murphy

Video & Digital Content Producer

Michael Rekoric

Staff Assistant

Tom Sarago

Director of Marketing &
Community Engagement

Frank Schwartz

Properties Manager