Join us for our Holy Week Worship Services - Palm Sunday - (Sunday, April 13th at 10 a.m., Maundy Thursday w/Tenebrae, and Communion - (Thursday, April 17th at 6 p.m.), Good Friday - (Friday, April 18th, at 12:15 p.m.) and Easter Sunday, - (Sunday, April 20th, at 10 a.m.) Blessings to all!

Leadership & Committees

Old Stone Church Leadership


Session is the council for the congregation. It shall be composed of those persons elected by the congregation to active service as ruling elders, together with all installed pastors and associate pastors. All members of the Session are entitled to vote. The pastor shall be the moderator of the Session, and the Session shall not meet without the pastor or designated moderator. 

The Session shall have responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness. 
Old Stone Church's stated Session meetings are once a month, and special Session meetings are called as needed. 

Clerk of Session -Beth Buchanan

Class of 2024

Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Michelle Baron

Dorothy Baunach

Beth Buchanan

Janie Chambers

Willie Brown

Judy Macuga

Fred Heider

David Eifert

Melissa Maffia

Bernard Medie

Dave Finley

Harriet Niles

Bob Reid

Robert Hubert Jr.

Marty Vassel

First Presbyterian Society

The First Presbyterian Society in Cleveland (FPS or Society) was incorporated in 1827 by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio. The Society has continued, uninterrupted through today as a distinct Ohio non-profit corporation and recognized IRS exempt organization.
The Society owns and manages the beautiful buildings, complex, and land in the heart of downtown Cleveland at 91 Public Square, which we and the community fondly call Old Stone Church. 

President - Margaret Wetzler


Class of 2023: Class of 2024: Class of 2025:
Thomas Allen (Vice President) Eric W. Dunn Ngozi Nkemere
Peter Baron Helen (Sandy) Kuban Gary Richter
  Margaret Wetzler  



The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment are chosen for this ministry. Under the Authority of the Session, Old Stone Church Deacons are organized as a board of deacons. 

Class of 2024

Class of 2025

Class of 2026

Scott Bailey

Valorie Hempstead

Mark Corey

Arnard Bandari

Eileen Kelly

Forrest Diehl

Bernie Bischel

Elie Medie

Pam Daly

Carol Hoagland

Mark Pichler

Ruth Finley

Amy Wheeler

Alyssa Niepokny

John Wheeler

Charlene Thornton


Old Stone Church Committees

Congregational Nominating

The Congregational Nominating Committee is a committee of Session charged with nomination of candidates to serve as Elders in Session and as Deacons on the Board of Deacons.  The committee is also responsible for nominating members for all pastoral nominating committees (PNCs) and for members of Congregational Nominating Committee. The committee is elected annually by the Congregation at the Annual meeting. Church members wishing to serve should contact the Clerk of Session or Chair of the Nominating committee.

2022 - 2023 members:

Dorothy Baunach; Chair

Peter Baron

Beth Buchanan 

Mary Eifert

Melissa Maffia

Penni Rolen

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams  (staff)

Finance & Planning

Old Stone Church's Finance & Planning committee exists serve the church in the following ways:

  • To develop and maintain an accounting and financial reporting system that fairly presents the financial activity and status of the Old Stone Church.
  • To support the Treasurer in providing accurate and useful financial information to Session and the Congregation on a timely basis.
  • To ensure that adequate resources are available to support the above objectives and the safe guarding of Old Stone Church’s financial asset.
  • To be an active agent in deciding to fund or not fund proposed expenditures, stressing appropriate analysis and assessment of risks.
  • To encourage and facilitate collaboration across Session committees, staff, and organizations at Old Stone Church in the development of the Church’s annual plan and budget.
  • To monitor progress vs. this budget and the Church’s financial position during the year, identify and report any needs to consider action, and secure any needed changes in spending or financing plans.
  • To help identify and nurture new or improved programs.
  • To provide a financial perspective in support of programs led by others.
  • To secure an approved budget and to communicate that to the Congregation on a timely basis.
  • To ensure the safety of the financial assets of the Old Stone Church, securing appropriate independent reviews.
  • To document an effective set of standard operating procedures and internal control to ensure the effective accounting, planning and reporting systems

2022 - 2023 members:

Fred Heider; Chair

Bob Reid

Jo'Anna Thomson; Treasurer

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams (Staff)

Mission & Urban Wellness

The Mission and Urban Wellness (MUW) committee serves Christ and his children by being a tangible and lasting influence on the residents of our community and the improvement of their lives with a major emphasis on hunger, homelessness, health, and education.

The MUW Committee thoughtfully and prayerfully allocates ten percent of Old Stone Church’s budget in support of the church’s stated mission: Loving Christ; Serving City – Spiritually, Culturally, and Socially since 1820.   Our focus is on aiding those in our immediate area who are homeless, hungry and powerless. We have committed to donate $50,000 each year for five years toward the 200 Homes Project in association with the Land Bank Charities. We also support NAMI Mental Health Awareness, the MedWorks/DCA Popup Clinic, Habitat for Humanity, NEOCH (Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless), Front Steps, Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Hunger Network, and Metanoia. In addition to these local projects, annually we contribute $25,000 to the Presbytery General Relief Fund and $2,500 to the Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund.

2022 - 2023 members:

Bob Heath; Co-Chair

Bernard Medie;  Co-Chair

Dorothy Baunach 

Cheryl Cairns

Joe Geraci

Harry Hatters

Janet Lowder-Kinkaid

Lee Rutti

Peggy Schaffer

Jayne Zborowsky

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams (staff)

Tom Sarago (staff)


The Old Stone Church Personnel Committee is committed to supporting the staff need to help Session fulfill the key elements of the strategic plan: mission, growth, quality worship and music, expanded attendance, expansion of community building opportunities, leadership development, parking solutions and stewardship. This involves ensuring staff understand the committee structure and the priorities outlined in the strategic plan.

The Old Stone Church Personnel Committee works closely with Head of Staff to ensure OSC full time and part time staff are hired and managed appropriately. This includes :

  • Working with Executive Assistant to keep Job Descriptions updated
  • Working with Senior Pastor and staff to fill positions as needed
  • Ensuring employment contracts are written correctly
  • Working with Senior Pastor to update Personnel Manual as needed
  • Ensuring all positions are filled in a timely manner when vacancies occur
  • Ensuring annual or semi-annual staff performance reviews are done
  • Reviewing and recommending Employee Health Insurance Plan to Session
  • Working with Clergy to determine annual pay adjustment recommendations to Session
  • Miscellaneous personnel issues such as parking costs assistance, etc.
  • Presenting Committee Reports at Session Meetings
  • Coordinating with Presbytery of the Western Reserve as necessary regarding clergy needs
  • Cooperating with other committees (such as Finance and Planning) as needed

2022 - 2023 members:

Beth Buchanan; Chair

Todd Hunt

David Eifert

Len Lybarger

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams (staff)


The Stewardship Committee is a committee of Session charged with encouraging and motivating OSC members to pledge funds to help underwrite clergy and staff wages and upkeep of the historic OSC building. The committee uses ideas and resource material from PC(USA) and Presbytery of the Western Reserve and reports to the Pastor and Session. Members of the committee can include elders and deacons. 

The Stewardship Committee has successfully promoted participation in the annual campaign by inviting members and visitors to share their OSC story from the pulpit. This is done over an eight- or nine-week period before Consecration Sunday. People talk about how they found OSC, what the church means to them and some shared meaningful experiences from their time as a church member.

Mailings are sent several times during the Fall and notices about the Stewardship Campaign are published in the weekly OSC Connexions email newsletter and in the Bulletin. Nearing Consecration Sunday a mailing is sent to all members with a pledge card and envelope to pledge financial support for the ensuing year.  Cards are then mailed to the church or members come forward to place envelopes with prayer and blessings of dedication.  Committee members turn information into the Finance Office and individual pledge information remains confidential

2023 - 2024 members:

Elizabeth Buchanan; Chair

David Finley

Robert Hubert, Jr.

Judy Macuga

Marty Vassel

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams (staff)

Welcoming & Fellowship

OSC Welcoming & Fellowship Committee

It is important that the Fellowship events at OSC provide opportunities to experience the fellowship of kindred spirits in such a way that we become as a family following Christ's teaching and love. This committee seeks to further and deepen the spiritual and personal bonds that are formed in the midst of worship. 

Fellowship activities strengthen the spiritual fabric and manifestation of a loving and caring family. 

  • Such activities bring us together, gives us a sense of belonging, a sense of sharing our talents and life experiences, and a sense of personal acceptance and worth. 
  • OSC has a diverse congregation, and some are without families or even a place in our society.  From our togetherness grows a loving spiritual family, motivated to grow, and finding hope and purpose for all.
  • Out of these experiences will grow the desire to "spread the good news" and encourage further commitment to the Faith and our responsibility to Evangelize.
  • This activity addresses one of the four major goals of OSC in a significant way - Engaging and Reengaging OSC membership.

2022 - 2023 members:

Bob Reid; Chair

Peter Baron

Pam Daly

Forest Diehl

Mark Hazen

Fred Heider

Lee Ann Radar

Vicki Randall

Jayne Zborowsky

Mike Murphy (staff)


Worship is at the very heart of the church’s life. All that the church does is rooted in its worship. The community of faith, gathered in response to God’s call, is formed in its worship. Worship is the principal influence that shapes our faith, and is the most visible way we express the faith. In worship, through Word and Sacrament, the church is sustained by the presence of Christ and empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit. Jointed in worship to the One who is the source of its life, the church is equipped to serve God in the world. [The Book of Common Worship]

To this end, the Worship Committee is charged with the oversight of the many elements of the worship services that seek to glorify God, that we know through Jesus Christ our Savior, with the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Assuring that our worship services raise the spiritual thresholds and energies, through ritual, sacrament, word, and song. With intentionality, engaging all the senses, as is appropriate for each service.

2022 - 2023 members:

Janie Chambers; Chair

Ian Atwood

Michelle Baron

Willie Brown

Elizabeth Harris

Harriet Niles

Rev. Stephen C. Blonder Adams (staff)

Anthony Kastellic (staff)

Want to Find Out How to Get Involved